augur refine

Refine an initial tree using sequence metadata.

usage: augur refine [-h] [--alignment ALIGNMENT] --tree TREE
                    [--metadata METADATA] [--output-tree OUTPUT_TREE]
                    [--output-node-data OUTPUT_NODE_DATA] [--timetree]
                    [--coalescent COALESCENT] [--gen-per-year GEN_PER_YEAR]
                    [--clock-rate CLOCK_RATE] [--clock-std-dev CLOCK_STD_DEV]
                    [--root ROOT [ROOT ...]] [--keep-root] [--covariance]
                    [--no-covariance] [--keep-polytomies]
                    [--precision {0,1,2,3}] [--date-format DATE_FORMAT]
                    [--date-confidence] [--date-inference {joint,marginal}]
                    [--branch-length-inference {auto,joint,marginal,input}]
                    [--clock-filter-iqd CLOCK_FILTER_IQD]
                    [--vcf-reference VCF_REFERENCE]
                    [--year-bounds YEAR_BOUNDS [YEAR_BOUNDS ...]]
                    [--divergence-units {mutations,mutations-per-site}]
                    [--seed SEED]

Named Arguments

--alignment, -a

alignment in fasta or VCF format

--tree, -t

prebuilt Newick


tsv/csv table with meta data for sequences


file name to write tree to


file name to write branch lengths as node data


produce timetree using treetime

Default: False


coalescent time scale in units of inverse clock rate (float), optimize as scalar (‘opt’), or skyline (‘skyline’)


number of generations per year, relevant for skyline output(‘skyline’)

Default: 50


fixed clock rate


standard deviation of the fixed clock_rate estimate


rooting mechanism (‘best’, least-squares’, ‘min_dev’, ‘oldest’) OR node to root by OR two nodes indicating a monophyletic group to root by. Run treetime -h for definitions of rooting methods.

Default: “best”


do not reroot the tree; use it as-is. Overrides anything specified by –root.

Default: False


Account for covariation when estimating rates and/or rerooting. Use –no-covariance to turn off.

Default: True


Default: True


Do not attempt to resolve polytomies

Default: False


Possible choices: 0, 1, 2, 3

precision used by TreeTime to determine the number of grid points that are used for the evaluation of the branch length interpolation objects. Values range from 0 (rough) to 3 (ultra fine) and default to ‘auto’.


date format

Default: “%Y-%m-%d”


calculate confidence intervals for node dates

Default: False


Possible choices: joint, marginal

assign internal nodes to their marginally most likely dates, not jointly most likely

Default: “joint”


Possible choices: auto, joint, marginal, input

branch length mode of treetime to use

Default: “auto”


clock-filter: remove tips that deviate more than n_iqd interquartile ranges from the root-to-tip vs time regression


fasta file of the sequence the VCF was mapped to


specify min or max & min prediction bounds for samples with XX in year


Possible choices: mutations, mutations-per-site

Units in which sequence divergences is exported.

Default: “mutations-per-site”


seed for random number generation

How we use refine in the zika tutorial

In the Zika tutorial we used the following basic rule to run the refine command:

rule refine:
        tree = rules.tree.output.tree,
        alignment = rules.align.output,
        metadata = "data/metadata.tsv"
        tree = "results/tree.nwk",
        node_data = "results/branch_lengths.json"
        augur refine \
            --tree {input.tree} \
            --alignment {input.alignment} \
            --metadata {input.metadata} \
            --timetree \
            --output-tree {output.tree} \
            --output-node-data {output.node_data}

This rule will estimate the rate of the molecular clock, reroot the tree, and estimate a time tree. The paragraphs below will detail how to exert more control on each of these steps through additional options the refine command.

Specify the evolutionary rate

By default augur (through treetime) will estimate the rate of evolution from the data by regressing divergence vs sampling date. In some scenarios, however, there is insufficient temporal signal to reliably estimate the rate and the analysis will be more robust and reproducible if one fixes this rate explicitly. This can be done via the flag --clock-rate <value> where the implied units are substitutions per site and year. In our zika example, this would look like this

rule refine:
        tree = rules.tree.output.tree,
        alignment = rules.align.output,
        metadata = "data/metadata.tsv"
        tree = "results/tree.nwk",
        node_data = "results/branch_lengths.json"
+    params:
+           clock_rate = 0.0008
        augur refine \
            --tree {input.tree} \
            --alignment {input.alignment} \
            --metadata {input.metadata} \
            --timetree \
+           --clock-rate {params.clock_rate} \
            --output-tree {output.tree} \
            --output-node-data {output.node_data}

Confidence intervals for divergence times

Divergence time estimates are probabilistic and uncertain for multiple reasons, primarily because the accumulation of mutations is a probabilistic process and the rate estimate itself is not precise. Augur/TreeTime will account for this uncertainty if the refine command is run with the flag --date-confidence and the standard deviation of the rate estimate is specified.

rule refine:
        tree = rules.tree.output.tree,
        alignment = rules.align.output,
        metadata = "data/metadata.tsv"
        tree = "results/tree.nwk",
        node_data = "results/branch_lengths.json"
        clock_rate = 0.0008,
+           clock_std_dev = 0.0002
        augur refine \
            --tree {input.tree} \
            --alignment {input.alignment} \
            --metadata {input.metadata} \
            --timetree \
            --date-confidence \
+            --clock-rate {params.clock_rate} \
+            --clock-std-dev {params.clock_std_dev} \
            --output-tree {output.tree} \
            --output-node-data {output.node_data}

If run with these parameters, augur will save an confidence interval (e.g. [2014.5,2014.7]) for each node in the tree.

By default, augur runs TreeTime in a “covariance-aware” mode where the root-to-tip regression accounts for shared ancestry and covariance between terminal nodes. This, however, is sometimes unstable when the temporal signal is low and can be switch off with the flag --no-covariance.

Specifying the root of the tree

By default, augur/TreeTime reroots your input tree to optimize the temporal signal in the data. This is robust when there is robust temporal signal. In other situations, you might want to specify the root explicitly, specify a rerooting mechanisms, or keep the root of the input tree. The latter can be achieved by passing the argument --keep-root. To specify a particular strain (or the common ancestor of a group of strains), pass the name(s) of the(se) strain(s) like so:

--root strain1 [strain2 strain3 ...]

Other available rooting mechanisms are

  • least-squares (default): minimize squared deviation of the root-to-tip regression

  • min-dev: essentially midpoint rooting minimizing the variance in root-to-tip distance

  • oldest: use the oldest strain as outgroup

Polytomy resolution

if the data set contains many very similar sequences, their evolutionary relationship some times remains ambiguous resulting in zero-length branches or polytomies (that is internal nodes with more than 2 children). Augur partially resolves those polytomies if such resolution helps the make the tree fit the temporal structure in the data. If this is undesired, this can be switched-off using --keep-polytomies.