augur sequence-traits

Annotate sequences based on amino-acid or nucleotide signatures.

usage: augur sequence-traits [-h] [--ancestral-sequences ANCESTRAL_SEQUENCES]
                             [--translations TRANSLATIONS]
                             [--vcf-reference VCF_REFERENCE]
                             [--vcf-translate-reference VCF_TRANSLATE_REFERENCE]
                             [--features FEATURES]
                             [--count {traits,mutations}] [--label LABEL]
                             [--output-node-data OUTPUT_NODE_DATA]
                             [--output OUTPUT]

Named Arguments


nucleotide alignment (VCF) to search for sequence traits in (can be generated from ‘ancestral’ using ‘–output-vcf’)


AA alignment to search for sequence traits in (can include ancestral sequences)


fasta file of the sequence the nucleotide VCF was mapped to


fasta file of the sequence the translated VCF was mapped to


file that specifies sites defining the features in a tab-delimited format: “GENE SITE ALT DISPLAY_NAME FEATURE”. For nucleotide sites, GENE can be “nuc” (or column excluded entirely for all-nuc sites). “DISPLAY_NAME” can be blank or excluded entirely.


Possible choices: traits, mutations

Whether to count traits (ex: # drugs resistant to) or mutations

Default: “traits”


How to label the counts (ex: Drug_Resistance)

Default: “# Traits”


name of JSON file to save sequence features to

--output, -o

DEPRECATED. Same as –output-node-data