augur export


The behavior of augur export has changed in v6. Please see here for more details.

Export JSON files suitable for visualization with auspice.

usage: augur export [-h]
                    Augur export now needs you to define the JSON version you
                    want, e.g. `augur export v2`. ...


Augur export now needs you to define the JSON version you want, e.g. `augur export v2`.

Possible choices: v2, v1



Export version 2 JSON schema

augur export v2 [-h] --tree newick --node-data JSON [JSON ...] --output JSON
                [--auspice-config JSON] [--title title]
                [--maintainers name [name ...]] [--build-url url]
                [--geo-resolutions trait [trait ...]]
                [--color-by-metadata trait [trait ...]]
                [--panels panels [panels ...]] [--metadata TSV] [--colors TSV]
                [--lat-longs TSV] [--minify-json] [--include-root-sequence]


--tree, -t

Phylogenetic tree, usually output from augur refine


JSON files containing metadata for nodes in the tree


Ouput file (typically for visualisation in auspice)


These control the display settings for auspice. You can supply a config JSON (which has all available options) or command line arguments (which are more limited but great to get started). Supplying both is fine too, command line args will overrule what is set in the config file!


Auspice configuration file


Title to be displayed by auspice


Analysis maintained by, in format ‘Name <URL>’ ‘Name2 <URL>’, …


Build URL/repository to be displayed by Auspice


Geographic traits to be displayed on map


Metadata columns to include as coloring options


Possible choices: tree, map, entropy, frequencies

Restrict panel display in auspice. Options are [‘tree’, ‘map’, ‘entropy’, ‘frequencies’]. Ignore this option to display all available panels.



Additional metadata for strains in the tree


Custom color definitions


Latitudes and longitudes for geography traits (overrides built in mappings)



export JSONs without indentation or line returns

Default: False


Export an additional JSON containing the root sequence (reference sequence for vcf) used to identify mutations. The filename will follow the pattern of <OUTPUT>_root-sequence.json for a main auspice JSON of <OUTPUT>.json

Default: False


Export version 1 JSON schema (separate meta and tree JSONs)

augur export v1 [-h] --tree TREE --metadata METADATA --node-data NODE_DATA
                [NODE_DATA ...] [--output-tree OUTPUT_TREE]
                [--output-meta OUTPUT_META] [--auspice-config AUSPICE_CONFIG]
                [--colors COLORS] [--lat-longs LAT_LONGS]
                [--tree-name TREE_NAME] [--minify-json]
                [--output-sequence OUTPUT_SEQUENCE] [--reference REFERENCE]
                [--reference-translations REFERENCE_TRANSLATIONS]


--tree, -t

tree to perform trait reconstruction on


tsv file with sequence meta data


JSON files with meta data for each node


JSON file name that is passed on to auspice (e.g., zika_tree.json).


JSON file name that is passed on to auspice (e.g., zika_meta.json).


file with auspice configuration



file with color definitions


file latitudes and longitudes, overrides built in mappings


Tree name (needed for tangle tree functionality)

Default: False


export JSONs without indentation or line returns

Default: False


JSON file name that is passed on to auspice (e.g., zika_seq.json).


reference sequence for export to browser, only vcf


reference translations for export to browser, only vcf